Monday 11 August 2014

Illustration- Clocks

So I deiced to simply update my blog with my illustration information and drafts, since I'm too broke to afford a new book and I can't find a spare one at home.

For our first assignment we have to design a clock face, and Snakes and Ladder/Chinese Checkers game board. I've chosen Chinese Checkers, mainly because that game is more interesting and versatile to play compared with Snakes and Ladders.

With my clock I'm choosing a 'basic' design, without numbers (though it still has the notches signalling them) and am most likely going to do a square face (to fit more on)

Also been looking up some clocks to try and get a basic idea for what I want or how I'll go about it.

Then I've been screwing about with some concept designs for my Clock assignment, trying to find something that fits;

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