Sunday 31 August 2014

Modeling some stuff + texturing

I've been mainly spending today texture some of my already-existing models, starting off with my fruit.

The fruit act as the 'point' system in the game

I.e think gems from Spyro, or the whumpa fruit from Crash Bandicoot which you collect while playing the game.

I love those games so much. I don't care how 'crappy' they look.

But anyway, both games have a collection system- with Spyro the gems are a way of bartering while with Crash you gain an additional life after collecting 100 whumpa fruits.

With my game Falafael has infinite lives, so he'll just be restored to his closest checkpoint, so the fruit act as a points system (what with the online app aspect of the game.) You loose some of the points if you die repeatedly.

Textured fruit-

Apple based, I'm thinking of maybe making it brighter? Or I could have the 'super special' fruit lighter, to indicate their higher value. Anyway, this apple-shaped fruit is the most common one, and thus is only worth One point.

My yam fruit. This one is worth Five points.Yams remind me of weird maggots, so I don't like them. But hey, I'm managing to make my fruit look like fruit, while having their own alien, otherworldly take.

Le Special fruit-
Ha, fruit are weird and I love it.

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