Sunday 19 October 2014

So I've been trying to do the 'Falafael hits Dark Lady in head with jawbone and jewel explodes' scene.

Just started with a basic ffx and made it green tinted- I'll make it brighter since I want it more akin to a narrow explosion, so I changed some of the modes and helped with the heat production.
Wanted to add some lightning but it kinda ate most of the screen, so I'll do that later after I fix the fire problems. So I started to play about with the lightning brush tool.
(I'm focusing on the broken amulet right now and getting the effects nice. I'll add the fire underneath.) I made a little playblast with the lightning vanishing once the shards explode. I'll add in the fume fx.

Now explosions.
Also added the DL in so I could see where the jewel was and had to tweek it a bit (her textures are awol at the moment since I imported her)

Hehe, vector.

But yes,  I've managed to get a good explosion mixed with the lightning bolts when the shards explode from her head after she gets struck.
Now time to render out the beast- since she'd got lightning/paint effects, fume fx and her Ncloth shirt poncho thing.

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